Τρίτη , 11 Φεβρουάριος 2025

Tennis Europe U12 , Category 2 σε Πτολεμαΐδα και Πάτρα – Hotel

Hotels for TE Patras Open

Welcome to Patras Open Tennis Europe Tournament 12&U.

For your pleasant stay in Patras during the Tennis Europe Event, 19-25/6/2021, Niki Patras Tennis Club has made an agreement with the following Hotels:

  • Standard Double room for Single Use: 55€ per night.
  • Standard Double room: 65€ per night.
  • Standard Triple room: 85€ per night.

All the above rates are inclusive of all taxes and breakfast as well.

Niki Patras Tennis Club also provides dinner for the players staying at the Moxy Hotel.

The Accommodation Tax of 1,5€ per night is not included in the above referred rates and will be paid upon arrival in the Hotel.


  • Standard Double room for Single Use: 40€ per night.
  • Standard Double room: 45€ per night.
  • Standard Triple room: 55€ per night.

All the above rates are inclusive of all taxes and breakfast as well.

The Accommodation Tax of 1,5€ per night is not included in the above referred rates and will be paid upon arrival in the Hotel.


Waiting for you!

Στην ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΪΔΑ και στη ΝΙΚΗ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ θα διεξαχθούν Ευρωπαϊκά Πρωταθλήματα U12 από 12 έως 26 Ιουνίου 2021 και τα οποία μετρούν στην Εθνική Βαθμολογία ως Ε1.

Για όσους επιθυμούν να δηλώσουν συμμετοχή, απαιτείται η έκδοση ΙPIN από την Tennis Europe.

IPINhttps://www.tenniseurope.org/page/16409/Guide-for-Players  ,

Tournament Fact Sheet:

Πτολεμαϊδα: https://www.tenniseurope.org/sport/tournament?id=078953E9-E020-4F01-940A-19256DCC39C5

Πάτρα: https://www.tenniseurope.org/sport/factsheet.aspx?id=B871A4DA-BFB8-4B80-95E2-28FACC28D270

Η αποδοχή των Ελληνικών συμμετοχών θα πραγματοποιηθεί με κριτήριο την Εθνική Βαθμολογία.

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